
Oracle Apex Movie Watcher

If you are a movie lover, you probably have a list of films that you want to watch in the future. But how do you keep track of them? Do you write them down on a notebook, bookmark them on your browser, or rely on your memory? None of these methods are very convenient or efficient.
That’s why you need a movie watchlist application.

Our App

The movie watch list application will allow you to keep track of the movies you want to watch, rate them, and mark them as watched. You will also be able to search for movies by title, genre, or year, and filter them by rating or status. The application will use the OMDB API to fetch movie information and posters from the internet.

This application is not only useful, but also fun and engaging. You can discover new movies that you might not have heard of before, and keep track of your progress and achievements. It will help you enjoy your hobby more, and enrich your cinematic experience.

In this blog post, I will show you a simple movie watch list application using Oracle APEX. Oracle APEX is a low-code development platform that enables you to build scalable, secure and beautiful web applications with minimal coding. You can use Oracle APEX to create applications for personal use, for your team, or for your entire organization.

To create the movie watch list application, you will need the following:

Since I have already created the application this is how it looks like;

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the URL of your oracle apex web application. The URL will look something like this: Movies Watchlist (

  • Enter your username and password in the corresponding fields. If you don't have a username and password, you can request one from the application administrator or sign up for a free account on But of cos we do have one for you;
    ■ Username: guest
    ■ Password: Beejartha!123

  • Click on the "Login" button to access your oracle apex web application.

You have successfully logged in to your oracle apex web application. You can now explore the features and functionalities of this application.


This is the dashboard page where we showcase a list of watched movies, and movies you want to watch in the future. It also has filter capabilities on the left side panel, which include;

  • Ability to filter the movie per category i.e. watched or not (Yes/No).

  • Filter by year of production. i.e. Decade checkbox

  • And filter by movie time frame. i.e. the decade checkbox

Movie Search

Here is the search dialog page, where we can search any movie and add it to our watch list.
Just type in the name of the movie and the application will showcase the results. Below is an example to showcase the movie search capabilities.

Movie Details

Here we can view more details about the movies selected, such as cast members, the movie
description etc.

In this blog post, I showed you how to navigate through this application. I hope this was helpful
and informative.